Drawing Tools

Math notation

If you want to use a Greek letter, type a backslash, \, and the name of the letter. For instance, if you type \alpha, the Greek letter α will appear when you enter the equation or definition.

Subscripts are written using the underscore, like F_x, and exponents are expressed with the carat, x^2.  Scientific notation for numbers can be written as 3.06E-6 or as 3.06*10^-6.

Defining Quantities

When you draw an object, you can use the text entry box to define that object.  (Or use the Text Tool to define a scalar quantity.)  If you wish to define a variable for that object or quantity, possible forms include: After defining a quantity, the text box will turn orange.  You can now place the box anywhere on the drawing area.  To make a correction, click twice on the text box, edit the text, then re-enter.

Andes does not understand possessive apostrophes, for example:  the ball's velocity.  Rather, use something like:  the velocity of the ball.

You can create an object that is not evaluated by the Andes help system by entering text that starts with punctuation character like:  , ? ! # % : ;.

Entering equations

Equations are entered with the Equation Tool.

Getting Help
