Fundamental Constants

The numerical values of these constants are pre-defined in Andes.  The Andes symbol must be entered using upper or lower case letters exactly as shown. 
name Andes symbol value
speed of light
c 2.99792458*108 m/s
Gravitational constant
G 6.6742*10-11 N*m^2/kg^2
Reference intensity (for decibels)
Iref 1.0*10-12 W/m^2
Permittivity of vacuum
ε0, eps0 8.854187817*10-12 C^2/(N*m^2)
kelec 8.98755178799791*10+9 N*m^2/C^2
Permeability of vacuum
μ0, mu0 1.2566370614359173*10-6 T*m/A
kmag 1.0*10-7 T*m/A
Planck's constant/(2*π)
hbar 1.05457168*10-34 J*s

Local constants

These constants can change value depending on the location.  Although the symbols are predefined, the appropriate numerical values for these constants still have to be entered. 
name Andes symbol Location value
acceleration due to gravity
g Earth 9.8 m/s^2
atmospheric pressure
Pr0 Earth 1.013*105 Pa
Values for any other locations will be given in the problem statement.