The force, F, on a charged particle moving with a velocity, v, in a region with magnetic field, B, is given by

    F = q*v x B

In component form:

    F_x = q*(v_y*B_z - v_z*B_y)

    F_y= q*(v_z*B_x - v_x*B_z)

    F_z = q*(v_x*B_y - v_y*B_x)

The magnitude of the force, F, is given by

    F = abs(q)*v*B*sin(angle between v and B )

and the direction of F is obtained by:

    1.  F is perpendicular to the plane determined by v and B.
    2.  The direction of F perpendicular to the plane is determined by using the right-hand rule which states that F is in the direction that a right-handed screw would move, if it was turned in the direction from v to B through the smaller of the two angles between these two vectors.  See the diagram below.

Cross product.gif


    1.  The Andes workbench always considers the plane of the screen to be the x-y plane.
    2.  To draw a vector in the z-direction one must use the tool on the left hand side of the screen that has a circle with a dot in the center to specify a vector in the positive z-direction (out of the screen) and a circle with a cross in it to specify a vector in the negative z-direction (into the screen).  There is also a spot in the dialog box for vectors that allows these same designations.
    3.  To draw a zero length vector choose the vector tool desired from the vector tools bar and left click in the drawing area.