1. The voltage, VL, across an inductor is defined in ANDES as
the voltage difference (Vb - Va) where b is a point on the "downstream" current
side of the inductor and a is a point on the "upstream" side of the inductor,
as shown below. VL is given by
VL = - L*dI/dt = - L*dIdt (Andes
Note: When one has a constant rate of change of current or when
an average rate of change is needed, the rate of change is given by
dIdt = (I2 - I2)/t12
where t12 is the time between t1 and t2.
2. The energy, UL, stored in an inductor that is carrying a
current is given by
UL = 0.5*L*I^2
where L is the inductance of the inductor in Henrys (H) and I is the current
through the inductor in Amperes (A).