1. The electrostatic potential (voltage) at a point in space a distance r from a point charge q is given by

V = kelec*(q/r) where V is in volts(V), q is in coulombs and r is in meters(m)

  1. If several source charges are present, the net electrostatic potential at a point in space is the scalar sum of the potentials due to each individual charge at the point:
  2. Vnet = V1 + V2 + V3 + …

  3. The electrostatic potential energy, Ue, of a charge, q, at a position where the electrostatic potential is V is given by
  4. Ue = q*Vnet where Ue is in joules (J)

  5. The non-conservative work to move a charge from point P1, where the electrostatic potential is V1, to point P2, where the electrostatic potential is V2 is given by

Wnc12 = ME2 - ME1 where ME = K + Ue + Us + Ug is total mechanical energy.

For the special case where kinetic energy, K, and the gravitational and spring potential energies Ug and Us either don't change or are zero

ME2 - ME1 = Ue2 - Ue1 = q*(V2 - V1).