- Here is a simple plot command:
gnuplot> plot [0:1] sin(x)**2 # Plot sin(x) squared in the domain [0,1].
Add a plot of the contents of the file "junk.out" to this graph:
gnuplot> replot "junk.out"
The file "junk.out" should have two columns containing the
x and y values of the points.
- Getting help on various commands:
gnuplot> help plot # Get help for the command "plot."
- Plotting your graph to the printer or a file:
gnuplot> plot "junk.out" # plot graph to screen
gnuplot> set terminal postscript # make Postcript output
Terminal type set to 'postscript'
Options are 'landscape noenhanced monochrome dashed defaultplex "Helvetica" 14'
gnuplot> set output "| lpr"
gnuplot> replot # send plot to printer
gnuplot> set output "junk.ps"
gnuplot> replot # send plot to file "junk.ps"
gnuplot> set terminal x11 # set plotting device back to X-windows
You could print the file "junk.ps" later using the shell command
lpr junk.ps
More information can be found at