Numerical Methods, MAT 350
Autumn 2001
Linear Equations and Eigenvalue problems
Due Tuesday November 20 at 5:00 PM
This homework will emphasize the numerical solutions of
linear systems and eigenvalue problems. This exercise is not
intended to be conceptually difficult, rather
it is intended to give you practical experience in using
standard subroutines. Thus, if you get stuck with a programming problem,
don't waste too much time: find someone to help you.
For this assignment you will use routines from the
BLAS and LAPACK libraries. We will use the DOUBLE PRECISION
version of the routines. In this case, the subroutines will all start
with the letter D
Use GAMS to figure out which
subroutines you need and how to call them.
Using Computers
It is recommended that you use the UNIX computers to complete
this assignment. The BLAS and LAPACK libraries are already installed
on these computers. If you use Microsoft Windows, you will have to
download and properly install the needed libraries. Experience has shown
that this produces severe headache and eventual despair.
If you are using FORTRAN, you need "link" your program
to the libraries when you compile:
g77 myprogram.f -llapack -lblas
If you are using C/C++, you can still link to these libraries.
You can construct prototypes based on CLAPACK library routines in
In that case, you will need the include statement
#include <g2c.h>
at the beginning of your program.
Compile and link your program using:
gcc myprogram.c -llapack -lblas -lg2c
If you are using C++, you can still link to these C routines.
In the file with your C++ program you need to declare the prototypes
of any C routines in the following manner:
extern "C" {
/* Subroutine */ int dgetrf_(long int *m, long int *n, double *a,
long int *lda, long int *ipiv, long int *info);
// You can add various other C prototypes here
More information on
mixing C and C++
can be found at the C++ FAQ.
Working with matrices
Working with matrices is a little tricky, so an
example may be helpful. Consider the following matrix:
10 9 8 7
2 3 4 5
6 2 12 14
3 11 13 1
Here is some code from a C program which finds the LU factorization
of this matrix:
#define NMAX 10 /* NMAX is the maximum size of the matrices */
/* In C, we store the matrix in one long array.
Note that we go down the columns of the matrix.
Also, the physical size (lda=4) is equal to the logical
size (n=4) since the columns of the matrix are right next
to each other in memory. */
long int n=4, lda=4;
double a[NMAX*NMAX]={10,2,6,3, 9,3,2,11, 8,4,12,13, 7,5,14,1},
/* Call the LAPACK routine which performs the LU factorization. */
/* Print out the LU factorization and the pivots. */
printf("The pivots are:\n");
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
printf(" %li\n",ipiv[i]);
printf("\nThe factorization is:\n");
for(i=0; i<n; i++){
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
/* Note that lda is the physical size of the matrix */
printf(" %lg",a[i+j*lda]);
In Fortran, there are several ways you can define the
matrix. For instance, you can use a data statement
as shown in the following code taken from a Fortran program:
PARAMETER (lda=4,n=4)
INTEGER ipiv(lda)
C Here, it is essential that the physical size (lda=4)
C is equal to the logical size (n=4) since the numbers
C are being read in as an array.
C Note that we go down the columns of the matrix.
DATA a/10,2,6,3, 9,3,2,11,
* 8,4,12,13, 7,5,14,1/
C Call the LAPACK routine which performs the LU factorization. */
CALL DGETRF( n, n, a, nmax, ipiv, info )
The assignment
In this assignment, you will find yourself modifying code you have written
previously. This is a good skill to develop.
Sometimes it is useful to "comment out" the old stuff
so that you (and I) can see what was done previously.
For this assignment, you are required to hand in a floppy disk or send me an
E-mail containing the programs you wrote. However, program
outputs, hand calculations, et cetera can be on paper.
- Write a short program wich prints out the 4 by 4
matrix that you wrote down in your
last assignment.
- Write a program to that computes the LU factorization of this matrix
- Find an LAPACK subroutine which computes an LU factorization
of a real general matrix, using partial pivoting
with row interchanges.
- Print out the factorized matrix along with
the array containing the pivots.
- Does the factorization look anything like
the factorization you had in your homework?
(It might not, because of the pivoting.)
- Find another subroutine which solves a real general system of
linear equations
A x = b
using the LU factorization computed by DGETRF.
- Hint: the subroutine DGESV is not what you are looking for.
- In our case, we only want to solve one set of equations,
so b and x will
only have one column.
- Include this routine in your program and use it to
solve the set of equations you wrote down in your
last assignment.
Does your answer agree with your homework?
- Consider the following 4 by 4 symmetric matrix:
1 -2 3 -4
-2 5 -8 11
3 -8 14 -20
-4 11 -20 30
Find its Cholesky factorization by hand.
- Find a subroutine which computes the Cholesky factorization
of a real symmetric positive definite matrix.
- Write a program which uses this subroutine. You should:
- Check your program by using it on the example you
did by hand above. (Print out your results.)
- Modify your program (this would be a good place for you
to "comment out" your old code), so that
it computes the Cholesky factorization of an
n by n Hilbert matrix.
- Find the Cholesky factorization for a 6 by 6 Hilbert matrix.
Print out your results.
- Find a subroutine which computes all eigenvalues and,
optionally, eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix.
- Write a program which uses this subroutine to
calculate the eigenvalues (only) of a 6 by 6 Hilbert matrix.
- In the previous homework
and in class, you learned
about some properties of determinants.
- Use the eigenvalues you calculated above to
find the determinant of a 6 by 6 Hilbert matrix.
- Now, use the results of the Cholesky factorization
to find the determinant of a 6 by 6 Hilbert matrix.
- Do your two answers agree?
- As your final task, look at the eigenvalues of a 25 by
25 Hilbert matrix. What happens to the smallest eigenvalues?