Mesons on the transverse lattice

Student involvement

During the summer of 2001, two Geneva students, Beth Watson and Jonathan Bratt, worked on this project. Beth Watson wrote a Summary of Project Activities (PDF version).

The Hamiltonian operator

The Hamitonian operator is rather lengthy for this system. It is evaluated in a Mathematica notebook (Postscript version) using notation explained in some notes on the inchworm model and in the paper Mesons on a transverse lattice.

Limit of small Bjorken-x

We investigated the behavior of the wavefunctions in the limit of small Bjorken-x. The results of this investigation are summarized in some notes on the inchworm model.

Zero modes

If we include fermions, the gluon fields must have periodic boundary conditions. This causes some difficulties for the numerical solution of the bound state equations. I discuss a way of solving this problem using zero modes.

Test Cases

Here are some test cases for the DLCQ meson code. This uses Simon's form for the kappa self-intertia term.


Various values of K, one gluon using our form for the kappa self-inertia.

Here are some of the structure functions for the pion (Jz = 0-), using our form for the kappa self-inertia. We used:
{MuB, MuF, G2, KappaS, KappaA, Beta, Lambda1, Lambda2, Lambda3, Lambda4, Lambda5} =
{0.1803, 0.362, 1, -0.323, 0.162, 0.688, -0.038, -0.09, 374, 0.158, 143}

And here are various plots of the lowest eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian (using same couplings as above):

Probability distribution for gluons, with gluon truncation at 3 and K = 4, 5, 6: Plot.

Here is some timing information for the construction of hamiltonian matrices.
