# # here are the machine-dependant parameters: # GNU version # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC=gcc FC=g77 # # -pg is for profiler gprof # -g is gdb debugger # -fcheck-memory-usage # DEBUG= -g # LIBS=-llong -larpack_LINUX -llanso -llapack -lblas # # both -ansi & -pendantic needed to force ANSI c # -O3 is optimization (should have -O when using valgrind) # -march=i686: machine-specific instructions # COPTS= -O -Wall -march=i686 # -malign-double: according to info, don't use for gcc. FOPTS= -O -Wall -march=i686 -malign-double # -W other possible bad things... # # mpi command # MPIFC=mpif77 MPICC=mpicc # DFLAG=-D