3+1 transverse lattice: baryons

Calculations of baryons states using the transverse lattice method. During the summer of 2003, two Geneva College students, Joe Berg and Justin Lambright, worked on the baryon calculation; see a summary of activities, PDF format, and Postscript

Assignment of multiplets associated with the 2 dimensional lattice

Multiplets are as follows:

  group   |             Multiplet number                        
  element | 0    19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26
  E       | 1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
  P_1     |          
  P_2     |                          z^2  z^6
  R^2     |      z^6  z^2  z^2  z^6            
  P_1 R   |                                    z^2  z^6
  R       |      z^7  z    z^5  z^3
  R^3     |      z^5  z^3  z^7  z
  P_1 R^3 |          
  J_z     |      1/2  -1/2 3/2  -3/2

  where z = exp(i pi/4)

  The multiplets have the following use:

  23       P_perp = (c,0),   P_2 = +1
  24       P_perp = (c,0),   P_2 = -1
  25       P_perp = (c,c), P_1 R = +1
  26       P_perp = (c,c), P_1 R = -1

Starting couplings are from the m02=1.0 datum from lll_10.out

This work is supported by NSF grant PHY-0200060.

E-mail: bvds@pitt.edu
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