********* Eigenvalues for the 3+1 transverse lattice ********* Couplings: 0:mu^2 1:g^2 N 2:beta 3:lambda_1 4:lambda_2 5:lambda_3 6:lambda_4 7:lambda_5 8:tau_1 9:tau_2 10:kappa_S 11:kappa_A 12:mu_F 13:mu_0^2 14:mu_1^2 15:mu_2^2 16:mu_3^2 Use chi^2 fit with 40 criteria and tolerance 0.01. Overall scale from minimizing chi^2. 1/K^2 term used in all extrapolations. Parity doublets (charge,multi,state) with error for difference over average. ( 1, 5,0) and ( 1, 6,0), error 0.25 (-1, 5,0) and (-1, 6,0), error 0.25 (-1, 7,0) and (-1, 4,0), error 0.25 Spectrum for P_perp a = (0,0), ( 0.25 0) using 4 states (multiplet, charge, c^2 error for each) = (15, 1, 0.25 2 2 2) (15, -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (16, -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (16, 1, 0.25 2 2 2) Spectrum for P_perp a = (0,0), ( 0.25 0.25) using 4 states (multiplet, charge, c^2 error for each) = (17, 1, 0.25 2 2 2) (17, -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (18, -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (18, 1, 0.25 2 2 2). Ordinary spectra multiplets, 4 states, (charge,multiplet) = ( 1, 3) (-1, 3) ( 1, 4) (-1, 4) ( 1, 5) (-1, 5) ( 1, 6) (-1, 6) (-1, 7) ( 1, 7) . All spectra extrapolated using (K,p) = (20/2,6) (20/2,8) (26/2,6) (32/2,6) (40/2,6) . Winding potential using (n,K,p) = ( 2 0,20/2,6) ( 2 0,20/2,8) ( 2 0,26/2,6) ( 2 0,32/2,6) ( 2 0,40/2,6) ( 3 0,20/2,5) ( 3 0,20/2,7) ( 3 0,26/2,5) ( 3 0,32/2,5) ( 3 0,40/2,5) ( 4 0,20/2,6) ( 4 0,20/2,8) ( 4 0,26/2,6) ( 4 0,32/2,6) ( 4 0,40/2,6) . Roundness of winding using (n,K,p) = ( 2 2,20/2,6) ( 2 2,20/2,8) ( 2 2,26/2,6) ( 2 2,32/2,6) ( 2 2,40/2,6) with error 1; in G^2 N units. Heavy potential determined using (n,K,p,K_max) = ( 0 0,40/2,2,4) ( 0 0,40/2,4,4) ( 0 0,40/2,2,3.5) ( 0 0,60/2,2,3.75) ( 0 0,60/2,2,4.25) ( 0 0,100/2,2,4) ( 0 0,100/2,2,4.5) , L = 3.577-2.726*m 5.058-3.856*m 7.154-5.452*m (all in G^2 N units); relative scale error=0.1. Roundness determined using (n,K,p,K_max) = ( 1 0,30/2,3,4) ( 1 0,30/2,5,4) ( 1 0,30/2,3,3.5) ( 1 0,60/2,3,4) ( 1 0,60/2,3,5) ( 1 0,100/2,3,5) ( 1 0,100/2,3,6) L=1.265-0.964*m and error 0.1; ( 1 0,30/2,3,4) ( 1 0,30/2,5,4) ( 1 0,30/2,3,3.5) ( 1 0,60/2,3,4) ( 1 0,60/2,3,5) ( 1 0,100/2,3,5) ( 1 0,100/2,3,6) L=5.058-3.856*m and error 0.1; ( 1 1,30/2,2,5.5) ( 1 1,30/2,4,5.5) ( 1 1,30/2,2,5) ( 1 1,30/2,2,5.5) ( 1 1,30/2,2,6.5) ( 1 1,100/2,2,6) ( 1 1,100/2,2,7) L=0+0*m and error 0.2; all in G^2 N units. p-extrapolation using n=( 1 0) and (K,p) = (24/2,5) (24/2,7) (24/2,9) . Result format: Fit info, # steps, chi^2, and p damping, scale G^2 N/sigma. The 17 couplings (G^2 N units); which couplings -- if any -- were fit. Winding potential and heavy souce potential fits. Roundness of winding potential, 1 values, and roundness of heavy source potential, 3 values, (G^2 N units) showing measured value and derived value for each. The rescaled spectrum for each P_perp*a and c^2 values. Finally come the states for the ordinary spectra. 2 22 81.88258399 -2.756749337 8.894655481 0 1 -0.2546928525 0.1616578358 -0.1404257494 1536.59326 -0.1231439098 757.144055 -1.10374949 -1.484784926 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.145645 -0.031769 -1.418906 0.140778 -0.085036 0.269211 1.238125 0.956028 0.527766 0.499257 0.769398 0.816707 1.162392 0.646859 10.879324 10.922541 0.895777 25.159863 25.094173 -1.36158 26.928683 26.938868 0.211099 29.703401 29.748617 0.937205 24.875673 24.892240 0.343384 41.097063 41.112227 0.314319 50.750059 50.772139 0.457677 52.005368 52.004435 -0.0193394 20.141551 20.148222 0.138281 24.875673 24.892094 0.34037 41.097063 41.101369 0.08925 49.630794 49.597248 -0.695336 29.703401 29.712191 0.182177 32.981207 32.980612 -0.0123399 43.471951 43.487010 0.312119 52.095342 52.078016 -0.359123 10.879324 10.965593 0.89407 25.159863 25.033701 -1.3075 29.703401 29.820576 1.21436 32.981207 32.980221 -0.0102154 24.875673 24.918676 0.445671 41.097063 41.118646 0.223684 49.630794 49.566057 -0.670916 50.750059 50.803117 0.549883 20.141551 20.154958 0.138947 24.875673 24.898452 0.236075 41.097063 41.113698 0.172399 49.644571 49.632410 -0.126028 26.928683 26.942548 0.143687 29.703401 29.691134 -0.127139 37.728225 37.894078 1.71885 43.471951 43.348212 -1.2824 10.879324 25.159863 34.337594 39.936576 63.386957 64.103728 69.222934 80.408019 56.758917 60.283827 67.139414 79.394804 20.141551 49.644571 53.189110 60.860795 26.928683 37.728225 44.367131 48.798877 52.005368 60.174820 68.405153 79.175129 32.981207 54.626454 72.944342 73.236889 49.630794 59.349767 61.897788 72.564395 24.875673 41.097063 50.750059 56.658132 29.703401 43.471951 52.095342 55.736609 1 67 130.6282754 -2.756749337 8.894655481 0.001967542671 1 0.2878957413 0.3037965215 -0.0118173141 5192.27633 -0.03104541793 296.4083989 -0.2097440127 -0.09106692894 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.145645 -0.031769 -1.418906 0.140778 -0.085036 0.269211 1.238125 0.956028 0.527766 0.499257 0.769398 0.816707 1.162392 0.646859 10.879324 10.922541 0.895777 25.159863 25.094173 -1.36158 26.928683 26.938868 0.211099 29.703401 29.748617 0.937205 24.875673 24.892240 0.343384 41.097063 41.112227 0.314319 50.750059 50.772139 0.457677 52.005368 52.004435 -0.0193394 20.141551 20.148222 0.138281 24.875673 24.892094 0.34037 41.097063 41.101369 0.08925 49.630794 49.597248 -0.695336 29.703401 29.712191 0.182177 32.981207 32.980612 -0.0123399 43.471951 43.487010 0.312119 52.095342 52.078016 -0.359123 10.879324 10.965593 0.89407 25.159863 25.033701 -1.3075 29.703401 29.820576 1.21436 32.981207 32.980221 -0.0102154 24.875673 24.918676 0.445671 41.097063 41.118646 0.223684 49.630794 49.566057 -0.670916 50.750059 50.803117 0.549883 20.141551 20.154958 0.138947 24.875673 24.898452 0.236075 41.097063 41.113698 0.172399 49.644571 49.632410 -0.126028 26.928683 26.942548 0.143687 29.703401 29.691134 -0.127139 37.728225 37.894078 1.71885 43.471951 43.348212 -1.2824 10.879324 25.159863 34.337594 39.936576 63.386957 64.103728 69.222934 80.408019 56.758917 60.283827 67.139414 79.394804 20.141551 49.644571 53.189110 60.860795 26.928683 37.728225 44.367131 48.798877 52.005368 60.174820 68.405153 79.175129 32.981207 54.626454 72.944342 73.236889 49.630794 59.349767 61.897788 72.564395 24.875673 41.097063 50.750059 56.658132 29.703401 43.471951 52.095342 55.736609 2 21 116.0181534 -2.756749337 8.894655481 0.007919222016 1 0.3142497229 0.01821341426 -0.1406320255 1536.979321 0.01339198787 756.5757256 -1.217541923 -1.444221196 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.145645 -0.031769 -1.418906 0.140778 -0.085036 0.269211 1.238125 0.956028 0.527766 0.499257 0.769398 0.816707 1.162392 0.646859 10.879324 10.922541 0.895777 25.159863 25.094173 -1.36158 26.928683 26.938868 0.211099 29.703401 29.748617 0.937205 24.875673 24.892240 0.343384 41.097063 41.112227 0.314319 50.750059 50.772139 0.457677 52.005368 52.004435 -0.0193394 20.141551 20.148222 0.138281 24.875673 24.892094 0.34037 41.097063 41.101369 0.08925 49.630794 49.597248 -0.695336 29.703401 29.712191 0.182177 32.981207 32.980612 -0.0123399 43.471951 43.487010 0.312119 52.095342 52.078016 -0.359123 10.879324 10.965593 0.89407 25.159863 25.033701 -1.3075 29.703401 29.820576 1.21436 32.981207 32.980221 -0.0102154 24.875673 24.918676 0.445671 41.097063 41.118646 0.223684 49.630794 49.566057 -0.670916 50.750059 50.803117 0.549883 20.141551 20.154958 0.138947 24.875673 24.898452 0.236075 41.097063 41.113698 0.172399 49.644571 49.632410 -0.126028 26.928683 26.942548 0.143687 29.703401 29.691134 -0.127139 37.728225 37.894078 1.71885 43.471951 43.348212 -1.2824 10.879324 25.159863 34.337594 39.936576 63.386957 64.103728 69.222934 80.408019 56.758917 60.283827 67.139414 79.394804 20.141551 49.644571 53.189110 60.860795 26.928683 37.728225 44.367131 48.798877 52.005368 60.174820 68.405153 79.175129 32.981207 54.626454 72.944342 73.236889 49.630794 59.349767 61.897788 72.564395 24.875673 41.097063 50.750059 56.658132 29.703401 43.471951 52.095342 55.736609 2 38 52.83141122 -2.487626752 9.551364313 0.01800590693 1 0.5587106593 0.1015397739 -0.1327182397 2952.984846 0.04104672876 762.8956859 -1.645809164 -1.976019457 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.191215 -0.473358 -0.703913 0.122072 -0.231537 0.507101 1.145655 0.968373 0.506259 0.413984 0.614362 0.603767 1.041568 0.575353 12.066951 12.108976 1.22803 28.956224 28.974715 0.540328 29.849045 29.858697 0.282052 34.372214 34.340874 -0.915799 27.745622 27.758342 0.371682 46.408150 46.440401 0.942447 58.263854 58.285367 0.628628 62.458257 62.453491 -0.139281 27.745622 27.763943 0.53537 29.888502 29.927115 1.12833 46.408150 46.401393 -0.197459 58.263854 58.344211 2.34816 34.372214 34.399336 0.79256 39.472370 39.458535 -0.404298 52.412407 52.440982 0.83502 60.857582 60.886219 0.836823 12.066951 12.151038 1.22858 29.849045 29.859560 0.153634 34.372214 34.361824 -0.151799 39.084230 39.086359 0.031114 27.745622 27.788064 0.620112 46.408150 46.428444 0.296517 58.263854 58.375237 1.62741 61.894572 61.824828 -1.01902 27.745622 27.770997 0.370738 29.888502 29.960122 1.04644 46.408150 46.438098 0.43757 58.263854 58.391160 1.86006 28.956224 29.001819 0.666179 34.372214 34.374330 0.0309245 39.105175 39.105899 0.0105812 48.356988 48.293864 -0.922292 12.066951 29.849045 39.084230 46.221930 75.918995 82.897398 81.386646 93.658020 65.221820 68.850625 90.832581 99.801423 29.888502 64.586887 65.627862 77.599068 28.956224 39.105175 48.356988 50.074163 62.458257 77.932969 86.123018 90.707976 39.472370 69.362094 74.405843 90.844744 61.894572 63.330765 88.377076 89.099701 27.745622 46.408150 58.263854 74.731223 34.372214 52.412407 60.857582 69.336567