********* Eigenvalues for the 3+1 transverse lattice ********* Couplings: m^2, G^2 N, beta, la_1, la_2, la_3, la_4, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 la_5, tau_1, tau_2 (2-9 divided by a^2) 7 8 9 Use chi^2 fit with 42 criteria and tolerance 0.01. Overall scale from fitting lowest state to lattice value. Includes 1 nonstandard fit criteria (such as a specific lattice spacing). Parity doublets (o,multi,state) with error for difference over average. ( 1, 5,0) and ( 1, 6,0), error 0.25 (-1, 5,0) and (-1, 6,0), error 0.25 ( 1, 7,0) and (-1, 4,0), error 0.25 Spectrum for P_perp a = (0,0), ( 0.25 0) using (# states, multiplet, o, c^2 error for each) = (4, 9 & 8, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 8 & 9, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 7 & 10, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 10 & 7, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) Spectrum for P_perp a = (0,0), ( 0.25 0.25) using (# states, multiplet, o, c^2 error for each) = (4, 11 & 12, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 12 & 11, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 14 & 13, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 13 & 14, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2). Ordinary spectra multiplets, 4 states, (o,multiplet) = ( 1, 3) (-1, 3) ( 1, 4) (-1, 4) ( 1, 5) (-1, 5) ( 1, 6) (-1, 6) ( 1, 7) (-1, 7) . All spectra extrapolated using (K,p) = (12/2,8) (12/2,6) (14/2,6) (18/2,6) . Winding potential using (n,K,p) = ( 2 0,14/2,6) ( 2 0,14/2,4) ( 2 0,22/2,4) ( 3 0,15/2,7) ( 3 0,15/2,5) ( 3 0,23/2,5) ( 4 0,14/2,8) ( 4 0,14/2,6) ( 4 0,22/2,6) . Roundness of winding using (n,K,p) = ( 2 2,12/2,8) ( 2 2,12/2,6) ( 2 2,20/2,6) with error 1; in G^2 N units. Heavy potential determined using (n,K,p,K_max) = ( 0 0,-20/2,2,3) ( 0 0,-20/2,4,3) ( 0 0,-20/2,2,4.5) ( 0 0,-32/2,2,3) ( 0 0,-32/2,2,4.5) ( 0 0,-60/2,2,3) ( 0 0,-60/2,2,4.5) , L = 3 4 6 (all in G^2 N units); relative scale error=0.1. Roundness determined using (n,K,p,K_max) = ( 1 0,-13/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-13/2,5,3) ( 1 0,-13/2,3,4.5) ( 1 0,-23/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-23/2,3,4.5) ( 1 0,-29/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-29/2,3,4.5) L=0 and error 0.1; ( 1 0,-13/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-13/2,5,3) ( 1 0,-13/2,3,4.5) ( 1 0,-23/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-23/2,3,4.5) ( 1 0,-29/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-29/2,3,4.5) L=2.5 and error 0.1; ( 1 0,-13/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-13/2,5,3) ( 1 0,-13/2,3,4.5) ( 1 0,-23/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-23/2,3,4.5) ( 1 0,-29/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-29/2,3,4.5) L=5 and error 0.1; ( 1 1,-20/2,2,3) ( 1 1,-20/2,4,3) ( 1 1,-20/2,2,4.5) ( 1 1,-30/2,2,3) ( 1 1,-44/2,2,4.5) ( 1 1,-60/2,2,3) ( 1 1,-60/2,2,4.5) L=0 and error 0.1; all in G^2 N units. p-extrapolation using n=( 1 0) and (K,p) = (13/2,3) (21/2,3) (45/2,3) (13/2,5) (23/2,5) (11/2,7) (13/2,7) . Result format: Fit info, # steps, chi^2, and p damping, scale G^2 N/sigma. The 10 couplings (G^2 N units); which couplings -- if any -- were fit. Winding potential and heavy souce potential fits. Roundness of winding potential, 1 values, and roundness of heavy source potential, 4 values, (G^2 N units) showing measured value and derived value for each. The rescaled spectrum for each P_perp*a and c^2 values. Finally come the states for the ordinary spectra. 2 11 11721816.56 -0.25 50 0 1 0.0391382092 -0.1619393958 -0.1710249251 23.63807043 0.04082618736 6.196949392 -0.08182156679 0.1934202606 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.077196 -5.229022 6.780294 -0.071943 1.583484 -2.461489 0.387148 -3.763917 0.491627 0.406860 0.673766 0.393607 0.895537 0.354567 0.950506 0.044777 -310.403233 -309.521601 54.446759 -309.039665 -309.394319 -21.902315 -192.604040 -130.632333 3827.173105 -183.679854 -130.006027 3314.722780 -12.037482 -11.104012 57.648134 27.250634 13.880599 -825.690303 80.002365 80.112360 6.792938 101.732648 129.550421 1717.936109 -12.037482 -12.037551 -0.004254 27.250634 27.302946 3.230622 80.002365 89.813694 605.916053 111.627638 117.806934 381.613423 -44.971563 -44.977983 -0.396479 -37.905940 -37.903755 0.134983 -10.494490 -10.488669 0.359536 26.329994 26.325897 -0.253022 -309.039665 -308.511178 16.318812 -192.604040 -130.625549 1913.796044 -129.992168 -60.366345 2149.933333 -59.786904 -59.374221 12.743001 -12.037482 -11.154338 27.270068 27.250634 27.103767 -4.534999 80.002365 80.148115 4.500512 101.732648 102.236215 15.549331 -12.037482 -11.053852 30.372923 27.250634 14.047990 -407.676390 80.002365 89.933087 306.644701 111.627638 117.724727 188.268313 -310.403233 -309.877588 16.231091 -183.679854 -130.639360 1637.805071 -130.019631 -119.473842 325.636973 -44.971563 -106.227496 -1891.484618 -309.039665 -129.992168 -59.786904 -192.604040 101.732648 258.939609 159.716777 313.535932 74.631719 190.703078 198.154885 276.495276 127.657852 111.627638 237.351934 248.808989 -310.403233 -130.019631 -183.679854 -33.825082 116.318079 119.469468 277.618418 296.370058 26.329994 135.646633 199.748342 186.976083 152.694686 223.027600 183.471771 327.289368 -12.037482 80.002365 27.250634 220.747894 -10.494490 -37.905940 33.199034 -44.971563 2 76 281203.0507 -0.25 50 0.001967542671 1 0.1371904513 -0.1378656194 -0.2019860911 1.795197462 0.0002977776359 -0.9752110652 -0.9400523428 -1.497848619 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.104585 -2.972500 4.535964 0.023363 0.136832 0.052843 0.993663 -1.568824 0.568340 0.517868 0.469412 0.522318 0.614615 0.535370 0.968920 0.673388 -151.063846 -150.717393 28.987105 -127.060798 -126.964666 8.043181 -69.417151 -67.946849 123.017320 -4.311855 -4.174083 11.527125 99.598777 100.365299 64.133415 139.835084 139.967371 11.068187 167.628128 167.710380 6.881863 193.260168 192.632870 -52.484793 99.598777 99.609705 0.914355 126.126965 126.163136 3.026393 139.835084 139.860360 2.114775 167.628128 167.189581 -36.692397 45.787152 45.860699 6.153596 95.125913 95.092047 -2.833515 119.528823 119.609769 6.772577 120.695936 120.695756 -0.015106 -127.060798 -126.856251 8.557020 -69.417151 -66.481224 122.821656 -4.311855 -4.036616 11.514362 30.679298 36.921940 261.154893 99.598777 100.457827 35.937537 139.835084 139.998997 6.857139 167.628128 167.566620 -2.573146 211.800473 201.187295 -443.992004 99.598777 100.295012 29.126341 126.126965 126.199572 3.037447 139.835084 139.986336 6.327481 167.628128 167.724674 4.038909 -151.063846 -150.389302 28.218915 -3.706100 -2.638850 44.647389 30.568857 36.092295 231.067686 45.787152 39.848800 -248.425182 -127.060798 -69.417151 -4.311855 30.679298 249.297436 234.768047 431.790061 343.414178 175.623456 300.772554 306.069790 320.820388 126.126965 217.717408 288.620356 297.292194 -151.063846 30.568857 -3.706100 65.028581 193.260168 255.948044 381.045632 350.423917 95.125913 232.996737 294.322406 311.520268 260.706513 211.800473 382.590203 304.541170 99.598777 139.835084 167.628128 242.184083 45.787152 120.695936 119.528823 204.258040 2 11 390876.5719 -0.4235901098 50 0.007919222016 1 0.3132082202 -0.1138299945 -0.1856035281 23.63807043 0.08408385135 6.196949392 -0.08997840558 0.1261313727 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.156687 -1.293242 1.976019 0.159782 0.200142 -0.239589 2.229528 0.207258 0.607341 3.350414 0.817901 3.375638 1.090875 3.450136 1.119090 4.663860 -6.373076 -6.056238 39.715619 -4.095713 -3.891784 25.562512 77.816604 78.057537 30.200975 120.188701 119.942433 -30.869666 139.066524 139.418522 44.122832 238.849985 239.122894 34.209078 278.587081 278.759652 21.631788 303.286977 307.954883 585.120970 139.066524 139.114153 5.970318 195.521738 195.589231 8.460201 238.849985 238.886430 4.568300 278.587081 278.792295 25.723591 135.938230 136.059915 15.253206 173.308673 173.247473 -7.671456 237.139553 237.138582 -0.121674 269.884356 270.039045 19.390235 -4.095713 -3.594738 31.398562 77.816604 78.298395 30.196202 120.188701 119.894660 -18.428995 135.938230 135.565776 -23.343472 139.066524 139.410887 21.582931 238.849985 239.138642 18.091510 278.587081 278.878822 18.284871 303.286977 314.094123 677.336663 139.066524 139.521953 28.543983 195.521738 195.656859 8.468704 238.849985 239.178564 20.593626 278.587081 279.050566 29.048872 -6.373076 -5.832930 33.853597 120.192971 119.956217 -14.838509 135.938230 135.853726 -5.296259 163.160348 163.767749 38.068811 -4.095713 77.816604 120.188701 174.997390 340.813247 372.430191 456.326453 541.311783 315.464446 406.653443 457.977287 495.079626 195.521738 334.123414 434.551793 444.902640 -6.373076 120.192971 163.160348 228.689081 307.931042 345.515634 429.617564 523.836705 173.308673 430.359134 426.255977 476.222575 351.687431 428.471419 450.225940 440.387416 139.066524 238.849985 278.587081 303.286977 135.938230 237.139553 269.884356 358.266582 5 104 46.05769215 -1.035432085 8.010094628 0.01800590693 1 0.5799796052 0.06453695763 -0.2260428921 163.225528 0.1582326718 68.97964397 -0.4904202711 -0.191060518 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.182798 -1.091665 1.256445 0.139011 0.229260 -0.254756 1.476998 0.527773 0.598018 0.630944 0.761383 0.758601 1.027741 1.029689 1.125585 0.849927 12.670000 12.717513 1.113108 16.877598 16.929380 1.213140 17.339941 17.371492 0.739167 28.400175 28.348143 -1.218983 21.181995 21.210543 0.668803 44.243878 44.282517 0.905211 48.757053 48.797148 0.939331 55.645042 55.646900 0.043540 21.181995 21.204469 0.526507 29.173481 29.199736 0.615074 44.243878 44.273400 0.691632 48.757053 48.768074 0.258191 28.400175 28.428648 0.667050 34.674131 34.665290 -0.207124 51.355365 51.381075 0.602323 51.447776 51.459776 0.281146 12.670000 12.765065 1.113569 16.877598 16.963687 1.008426 28.400175 28.301137 -1.160112 31.742459 31.854077 1.307475 21.181995 21.221422 0.461842 44.243878 44.294874 0.597359 48.757053 48.804086 0.550931 60.115351 60.233879 1.388415 21.181995 21.244689 0.734380 29.173481 29.226016 0.615381 44.243878 44.328983 0.996908 48.757053 48.811757 0.640788 17.339941 17.420135 0.939371 28.400175 28.453990 0.630383 34.181631 34.195770 0.165629 35.126297 35.129157 0.033512 12.670000 16.877598 31.742459 33.432411 63.835721 66.248802 87.481701 87.687226 58.417947 83.416058 96.970343 109.646236 29.173481 57.876047 70.835960 90.143456 17.339941 34.181631 35.126297 42.343667 55.645042 64.093606 86.365014 87.749539 34.674131 76.316354 87.213840 81.806382 60.115351 78.480933 83.864238 74.448218 21.181995 44.243878 48.757053 65.589032 28.400175 51.355365 51.447776 58.349039