********* Eigenvalues for the 3+1 transverse lattice ********* Couplings: m^2, G^2 N, beta, la_1, la_2, la_3, la_4, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 la_5, tau_1, tau_2 (2-9 divided by a^2) 7 8 9 Use chi^2 fit with 40 criteria and tolerance 0.01. Overall scale from minimizing chi^2. Parity doublets (o,multi,state) with error for difference over average. ( 1, 5,0) and ( 1, 6,0), error 0.25 (-1, 5,0) and (-1, 6,0), error 0.25 ( 1, 7,0) and (-1, 4,0), error 0.25 Spectrum for P_perp a = (0,0), ( 0.25 0) using (# states, multiplet, o, c^2 error for each) = (4, 9 & 8, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 8 & 9, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 7 & 10, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 10 & 7, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) Spectrum for P_perp a = (0,0), ( 0.25 0.25) using (# states, multiplet, o, c^2 error for each) = (4, 11 & 12, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 12 & 11, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 14 & 13, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 13 & 14, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2). Ordinary spectra multiplets, 4 states, (o,multiplet) = ( 1, 3) (-1, 3) ( 1, 4) (-1, 4) ( 1, 5) (-1, 5) ( 1, 6) (-1, 6) ( 1, 7) (-1, 7) . All spectra extrapolated using (K,p) = (16/2,8) (16/2,6) (20/2,6) (26/2,6) . Winding potential using (n,K,p) = ( 2 0,20/2,4) ( 2 0,20/2,6) ( 2 0,24/2,4) ( 2 0,32/2,4) ( 3 0,19/2,5) ( 3 0,19/2,7) ( 3 0,25/2,5) ( 3 0,33/2,5) ( 4 0,18/2,6) ( 4 0,18/2,8) ( 4 0,24/2,6) ( 4 0,32/2,6) . Roundness of winding using (n,K,p) = ( 2 2,16/2,6) ( 2 2,16/2,8) ( 2 2,24/2,6) ( 2 2,28/2,6) with error 1; in G^2 N units. Heavy potential determined using (n,K,p,K_max) = ( 0 0,-40/2,2,4) ( 0 0,-40/2,4,4) ( 0 0,-40/2,2,3.5) ( 0 0,-50/2,2,3.75) ( 0 0,-50/2,2,4.25) ( 0 0,-70/2,2,4) ( 0 0,-70/2,2,4.5) , L = 3.577-2.726*m 5.058-3.856*m 7.154-5.452*m (all in G^2 N units); relative scale error=0.1. Roundness determined using (n,K,p,K_max) = ( 1 0,-19/2,3,4) ( 1 0,-19/2,5,4) ( 1 0,-19/2,3,3.5) ( 1 0,-33/2,3,4) ( 1 0,-33/2,3,5) ( 1 0,-69/2,3,5) ( 1 0,-69/2,3,6) L=1.265-0.964*m and error 0.1; ( 1 0,-19/2,3,4) ( 1 0,-19/2,5,4) ( 1 0,-19/2,3,3.5) ( 1 0,-33/2,3,4) ( 1 0,-33/2,3,5) ( 1 0,-69/2,3,5) ( 1 0,-69/2,3,6) L=5.058-3.856*m and error 0.1; ( 1 1,-34/2,2,5.5) ( 1 1,-34/2,4,5.5) ( 1 1,-34/2,2,5) ( 1 1,-48/2,2,5.5) ( 1 1,-48/2,2,6.5) ( 1 1,-70/2,2,6) ( 1 1,-70/2,2,7) L=0+0*m and error 0.2; all in G^2 N units. p-extrapolation using n=( 1 0) and (K,p) = (13/2,3) (35/2,3) (45/2,3) (13/2,5) (29/2,5) (13/2,7) (17/2,7) . Result format: Fit info, # steps, chi^2, and p damping, scale G^2 N/sigma. The 10 couplings (G^2 N units); which couplings -- if any -- were fit. Winding potential and heavy souce potential fits. Roundness of winding potential, 1 values, and roundness of heavy source potential, 3 values, (G^2 N units) showing measured value and derived value for each. The rescaled spectrum for each P_perp*a and c^2 values. Finally come the states for the ordinary spectra. 2 39 16.16044184 -1.537027018 10.58526723 0.01800590693 1 0.569958014 -0.04433423157 -0.07683304978 285.6991799 0.1282977274 122.1592541 -0.9970116739 -1.012326435 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.211769 -0.835884 0.555331 0.097144 0.157722 -0.083939 1.568820 0.927681 0.570805 0.626836 0.810968 0.792022 1.154184 0.814752 13.655113 13.687107 1.147497 24.195323 24.217149 0.782811 24.250298 24.275333 0.897900 31.357626 31.354341 -0.117836 29.263916 29.283186 0.691137 55.075393 55.114930 1.418021 63.628946 63.657708 1.031586 69.842748 69.827058 -0.562749 29.263916 29.295184 1.121466 37.497047 37.530817 1.211169 55.075393 55.070622 -0.171114 63.628946 63.653045 0.864343 32.713038 32.736604 0.845219 37.825310 37.810980 -0.513976 60.851734 60.872453 0.743111 61.833322 61.849373 0.575668 13.655113 13.719125 1.147938 24.250298 24.298658 0.867236 31.357626 31.350956 -0.119623 32.713038 32.676486 -0.655489 29.263916 29.305892 0.752765 55.075393 55.103631 0.506393 63.628946 63.659343 0.545109 73.106941 73.130752 0.426994 29.263916 29.323052 1.060491 37.497047 37.564592 1.211269 55.075393 55.116550 0.738069 63.628946 63.702876 1.325776 24.195323 24.240473 0.809677 31.364929 31.372988 0.144519 32.713038 32.694984 -0.323769 48.754743 48.821893 1.204200 13.655113 24.250298 31.357626 43.043279 81.126067 84.497542 106.899586 101.867632 69.196158 97.123709 116.336938 106.518204 37.497047 69.042812 80.552413 114.567266 24.195323 31.364929 48.754743 55.424470 69.842748 81.242500 104.390581 107.216783 37.825310 83.597481 97.905570 108.528623 73.106941 96.960854 99.128164 91.387867 29.263916 55.075393 63.628946 80.674886 32.713038 60.851734 61.833322 74.322814