********* Eigenvalues for the 3+1 transverse lattice ********* Couplings: m^2, G^2 N, beta, la_1, la_2, la_3, la_4, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 la_5, tau_1, tau_2 (2-9 divided by a^2) 7 8 9 Use chi^2 fit with 41 criteria and tolerance 0.01. Overall scale from fitting lowest state to lattice value. Parity doublets (o,multi,state) with error for difference over average. ( 1, 5,0) and ( 1, 6,0), error 0.25 (-1, 5,0) and (-1, 6,0), error 0.25 ( 1, 7,0) and (-1, 4,0), error 0.25 Spectrum for P_perp a = (0,0), ( 0.25 0) using (# states, multiplet, o, c^2 error for each) = (4, 9 & 8, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 8 & 9, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 7 & 10, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 10 & 7, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) Spectrum for P_perp a = (0,0), ( 0.25 0.25) using (# states, multiplet, o, c^2 error for each) = (4, 11 & 12, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 12 & 11, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 14 & 13, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2) (4, 13 & 14, 1 & -1, 0.25 2 2 2). Ordinary spectra multiplets, 4 states, (o,multiplet) = ( 1, 3) (-1, 3) ( 1, 4) (-1, 4) ( 1, 5) (-1, 5) ( 1, 6) (-1, 6) ( 1, 7) (-1, 7) . All spectra extrapolated using (K,p) = (16/2,8) (16/2,6) (20/2,6) (26/2,6) . Winding potential using (n,K,p) = ( 2 0,20/2,4) ( 2 0,20/2,6) ( 2 0,24/2,4) ( 2 0,32/2,4) ( 3 0,19/2,5) ( 3 0,19/2,7) ( 3 0,25/2,5) ( 3 0,33/2,5) ( 4 0,18/2,6) ( 4 0,18/2,8) ( 4 0,24/2,6) ( 4 0,32/2,6) . Roundness of winding using (n,K,p) = ( 2 2,16/2,6) ( 2 2,16/2,8) ( 2 2,24/2,6) ( 2 2,28/2,6) with error 1; in G^2 N units. Heavy potential determined using (n,K,p,K_max) = ( 0 0,-34/2,2,3) ( 0 0,-34/2,4,3) ( 0 0,-34/2,2,4.5) ( 0 0,-50/2,2,3) ( 0 0,-50/2,2,4.5) ( 0 0,-60/2,2,3) ( 0 0,-60/2,2,4.5) , L = 3 4 6 (all in G^2 N units); relative scale error=0.1. Roundness determined using (n,K,p,K_max) = ( 1 0,-17/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-17/2,5,3) ( 1 0,-17/2,3,4.5) ( 1 0,-33/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-33/2,3,4.5) ( 1 0,-55/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-55/2,3,4.5) L=0 and error 0.1; ( 1 0,-17/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-17/2,5,3) ( 1 0,-17/2,3,4.5) ( 1 0,-33/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-33/2,3,4.5) ( 1 0,-55/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-55/2,3,4.5) L=2.5 and error 0.1; ( 1 0,-17/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-17/2,5,3) ( 1 0,-17/2,3,4.5) ( 1 0,-33/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-33/2,3,4.5) ( 1 0,-55/2,3,3) ( 1 0,-55/2,3,4.5) L=5 and error 0.1; ( 1 1,-30/2,2,3) ( 1 1,-30/2,4,3) ( 1 1,-30/2,2,4.5) ( 1 1,-40/2,2,3) ( 1 1,-50/2,2,4.5) ( 1 1,-60/2,2,3) ( 1 1,-60/2,2,4.5) L=0 and error 0.1; all in G^2 N units. p-extrapolation using n=( 1 0) and (K,p) = (13/2,3) (35/2,3) (45/2,3) (13/2,5) (29/2,5) (13/2,7) (17/2,7) . Result format: Fit info, # steps, chi^2, and p damping, scale G^2 N/sigma. The 10 couplings (G^2 N units); which couplings -- if any -- were fit. Winding potential and heavy souce potential fits. Roundness of winding potential, 1 values, and roundness of heavy source potential, 4 values, (G^2 N units) showing measured value and derived value for each. The rescaled spectrum for each P_perp*a and c^2 values. Finally come the states for the ordinary spectra. 2 49 22.58627172 -1.406785426 9.900533315 0.03249196962 1 0.692454816 -0.03465562406 -0.08838598872 166.0216927 0.1572325053 62.92477414 -0.9665917933 -0.8440068135 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.223857 -0.863447 0.446769 0.113813 0.145966 -0.083489 1.539391 0.983256 0.621137 0.661276 0.681094 0.734551 0.943401 0.913566 1.122049 0.887327 12.670000 12.703920 1.202833 25.365268 25.386770 0.762487 25.709634 25.732180 0.799523 32.135857 32.149144 0.471181 27.971188 27.988283 0.606208 53.104888 53.140379 1.258571 62.228934 62.257477 1.012178 68.488106 68.472654 -0.547963 27.971188 28.003672 1.151910 37.389696 37.428023 1.359097 53.104888 53.098075 -0.241596 62.228934 62.253191 0.860191 33.309409 33.333380 0.850066 38.496149 38.482103 -0.498085 59.437728 59.456176 0.654191 61.105157 61.122816 0.626208 12.670000 12.737860 1.203189 25.709634 25.754450 0.794614 32.135857 32.130851 -0.088764 33.309409 33.274584 -0.617446 27.971188 28.010963 0.705231 53.104888 53.130228 0.449306 62.228934 62.255089 0.463734 70.499463 70.528139 0.508442 27.971188 28.030600 1.053395 37.389696 37.466354 1.359177 53.104888 53.136856 0.566810 62.228934 62.307293 1.389337 25.365268 25.408509 0.766677 32.155657 32.176547 0.370388 33.309409 33.282555 -0.476119 47.047826 47.083459 0.631794 12.670000 25.709634 32.135857 41.880039 79.632064 81.913836 104.495038 103.840000 68.247435 100.555443 102.092527 128.923923 37.389696 67.687496 80.565276 114.527409 25.365268 32.155657 47.047826 54.451689 68.488106 79.215755 101.444554 104.043077 38.496149 86.129970 81.591371 120.918799 70.499463 84.330142 107.310165 97.434484 27.971188 53.104888 62.228934 81.038683 33.309409 59.437728 61.105157 73.811460 2 28 30.16528287 -1.317875403 9.033574 0.0517766953 1 0.7824661004 -0.08889173028 -0.08029335806 7.322259138 0.1808295202 1.654443446 -0.9775869679 -0.8503816019 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.249856 -0.794574 0.209278 0.126374 0.126139 -0.067375 1.916073 1.230431 0.649895 0.681860 0.719100 0.765349 0.997937 0.967546 1.171593 0.922597 12.670000 12.701613 1.141671 24.428797 24.445314 0.596496 24.547660 24.574890 0.983380 29.752224 29.740517 -0.422781 27.593717 27.607478 0.496951 51.912736 51.943208 1.100445 60.127309 60.151962 0.890311 66.144785 66.130292 -0.523398 27.593717 27.622781 1.049590 38.819867 38.855163 1.274660 51.912736 51.905249 -0.270398 60.127309 60.149327 0.795141 32.481619 32.501932 0.733559 37.236942 37.224034 -0.466144 57.419993 57.434982 0.541317 57.765037 57.781390 0.590580 12.670000 12.733252 1.142128 24.428797 24.461663 0.593461 29.752852 29.750816 -0.036751 32.481619 32.403047 -1.418761 27.593717 27.625282 0.569964 51.912736 51.933424 0.373561 60.127309 60.149892 0.407788 68.077541 68.105350 0.502145 27.593717 27.647822 0.976956 38.819867 38.890467 1.274811 51.912736 51.937976 0.455749 60.127309 60.197041 1.259137 24.547660 24.601235 0.967397 29.752224 29.749476 -0.049618 31.544036 31.758617 3.874625 32.481619 32.481909 0.005228 12.670000 24.428797 29.752852 36.492437 76.259247 78.448037 99.353773 99.229978 64.469154 100.939873 97.373467 122.017797 38.819867 65.209566 81.989398 106.254599 24.547660 31.544036 29.752224 52.689522 66.144785 75.729602 97.558071 99.202887 37.236942 85.858787 80.441845 114.063505 68.077541 80.958971 92.733801 109.797674 27.593717 51.912736 60.127309 76.720876 32.481619 57.419993 57.765037 71.936703