Introductory Physics Lab

Manuals and Software setup
diamagnetism and paramagnetism compass plot magnetic fields field of a solenoid

Lab Manuals

Based on a earlier lab manuals written by John Schaefer and Dick South, I have written lab manuals in LaTeX along with instructor notes for each lab: Instructor notes for maintaning the computer system.

Software setup for physics lab

The following details how the software was set up for the lab computers.  The following is mostly for information, restoring from a backup will restore the analysis software, the luser accounts, and the comedi installation.  In the following, the script do-lab executes the given command on each machine. 

Experimental analysis software

Here is some software used in the physics lab.  The executables should be installed in /usr/local Here is a list of various spectrum analyzer programs.

Local account generation

The following tells how to setup the luser accounts. A skeleton for these accounts should be in /usr/local/etc/skel.  If this does not exist, then an account must be set up on the server jael using To setup luser accounts on the other machines:

Install comedi

Interfacing for the Measurement Computing PCI-DAS1000 data aquisition boards is provided by the comedi library.  Currently, comedi is installed on the clients, but not the file server jael

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